Small things, mostly

Cindy and banh beo (Saigon)

Cindy treated me to dinner at one of her favourite places - a small street shop near the airport that sells Banh Béo - rice cake with various toppings served in small round dishes. You have to scrape it with chopsticks to eat it. All this Banh Beo for 20,000 VND or 90 US cents.

Small things, mostly

I love Saigon because I end up making friends so easily - at cafes, at book streets, or even in short elevator rides. Cindy is one such person I met at a random place and we continue to meet up once in a while. Cindy is an avid reader, we often discuss some new book or ideas.

Living on a student budget in Saigon, Cindy has become an expert at finding inexpensive eats.
