Small things, mostly

I want to stay (Burma)

It is my last day in Burma. I arrive at Yangon airport at 6 AM for my 8 AM flight. At security, a serious woman inspects my bag and asks me to open a sealed packet. I comply. Inside are three Burmese puppets. She briefly toys with one of the puppets, moving its arms and murmuring some things in Burmese. I stand there, amused. Politely returning the puppet to the packet, the security woman resumes her serious demeanour for the next passenger. It’s like for a moment she was in another world.

Small things, mostly

After clearing the immigration, I head for the waiting room. There aren't many people, but I notice some kids playing, and one crying. The crying kid is asking for an ice cream. The rest of the children gaze at the tiny planes with awe. These small planes are getting ready for their flights to the small cities up north. I wish I were in one of those small planes, but I have to wait for a big plane.

Small things, mostly

Finally, a bus dropped us off at the big plane, although we could have walked. Passengers return and say goodbye to their loved ones. I spot the security woman by the stairway. Our eyes meet for a second. Without thinking, I wave goodbye at her. Now it's her turn to be amused. She recovers quickly and with a smile, returns the farewell. I want to stay.

Small things, mostly
